File: LabourOfLove --- Piano music playing Music continues Singing. This Flora Natario. She works as a nanny in southern Ontario. She takes care of two children, cooks and cleans. Flora is from the from the Philippines. She came to Canada through the living caregiver program, or LCP, to create a better future for daughter. The program was set up by the government because of a need for caregivers in Canada. Naha Norang is Flora's current employer. Flora has taken care of Naah's two daughters, Divi and Navani, for seven years. "Do you like me or not?" "Yes". "How big are you love me?" "This big." "How big?" "Bigger than the universe". "She always says, 'I love you bigger than the universe.'" "She is a very nurturing, loving, patient, kind of person - that's all the ideal qualities you want for someoneone watching your child and there is a complete feeling of trust and when you go to work, you know your kids are being well cared for. People find it here a little strange sometimes. They are like, "Oh, your nanny lives with you? And what, she has dinner with your too? But she is really part of our family. Christy May and Flora are really part of our family." Christy May is Flora's daughter. She's 18 years old. She and Flora share a room. in Naha's home. It took eight years for Flora to bring Christy May to Canada. Long wait times to become a permanent resident, and a lack of finances prolong the process. "When I left the Philippines my daughter was in grade one. and then I left my mother. I feel very sad about that but I need to force myself to have an income and support her to her study. And after her grade 4 my mom is a little bit ill. So she gave my daughter to my friends. My friend looks after my daughter until she's grade 6. and then my mom passed away when I was here. But I didn't go home that time too because of my papers. "That's all" Flora made many sacrifices by coming to Canada. But it was all for Christy May. "I wished my daughter can come to Canada, and have a good life some day. " Voice off camera : "And do you think that wish came true?" "Yes".